General Studies & Current Affairs for Bank, SSC, CLAT, Civil Services and other Competitive Exams

synoptic providing a general overview; summary; N. synopsis Usage: If you are starting your CAT preparation afresh then Complete CAT cour...

Words of the day: 14th Oct'09

providing a general overview; summary; N. synopsis
Usage: If you are starting your CAT preparation afresh then Complete CAT course may be a better option than synoptic CAT Crash Course

cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile)
Usage: Felling of trees should be banned all over the world.

masses of leaves; CF. defoliate
Usage: The autmn season brings about a defoliation process.

feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong affinity for her; Ex. many affinities between two languages
Usage: My friend has a strong affinity for his female neighbour.

abundance; wealth
Usage: The affluent should not misuse their power.

easily approachable; easy to talk to; warmly friendly
Usage: When I joined college, my seniors were affable, hence I had no problem adjusting.

Usage: A servants allegiance to his master is his best trait

unclear or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possible interpretation
Usage: The culprit was giving ambiguous statements in court, hence could not be saved.

total failure; CF. bottle
Usage: The last one day was a complete fiasco for the Pakistani team with all players getting out at less than 100 runs.

complain (in a sad voice); make a high sad sound (as in pain or supplication)
Usage: I heard my neighbours dog whining last night.